

从小型娱乐游艇,到大型油轮再到技术上先进的航空母舰的设计和制造,Altair 已成功帮助世界当先的造船公司和船只设计师,使用仿真技术开发性能更强、安全度更高且成本更低的船舶。Altair 能够帮助造船工程师应对复杂的工程挑战,规避因航海负载(包括结构、水力、动力、热量和疲劳)引发的环境风险以及来自水面和水下武力的威胁,从而确保军事和国土安全。

Luna Rossa


“……Altair 使我们能够自动化逐层结构尺寸调整过程......这为造船厂变革组件制造方法打开了大门

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Reduce Total Ownership Cost

Reduce Total Ownership Cost

随着全球竞争加剧,造船公司必须提高船舶设计和认证流程的速度及效率,缩短交付周期,降低成本。为在全球市场保持竞争力,造船公司纷纷寻求能够降低生产成本和生命周期维护成本的方法。借助 Altair 带头的结构计算流体动力学 (CFD) 优化技术,可提高设计效率,并极大程度地减少材料用量,从而降低制造和运营成本,提高燃油效率。



稳健的商用船Altair® OptiStruct® 提供几乎在每个行业使用的增强专利版 NASTRAN。OptiStruct 提供可用于线性、非线性、振动、声学、疲劳和多物理场分析的求解器。基于 OptiStruct 求解器功能构建的 Altair® HyperLife® 具有全面、易用的疲劳分析工作流,可直接与主要有限元分析结果文件进行交互。OptiStruct 是原始拓扑优化结构设计工具。

军事船舶Altair® Radioss® 多物理场功能可以准确仿真复杂的物理问题,例如,碰撞、晃动、冲击和水下爆炸。Altair® Feko® 被认为是天线布局分析领域的全球市场领头者。这款软件广泛用于海军工程领域,可解决大部分电磁问题,如通信天线的辐射方向图分析、天线布局、天线耦合或电磁干扰以及近场辐射危害等。

速度更快的休闲船Altair AcuSolve™ 以有限元方法为基础,是一款可靠且可扩展的通用 CFD 求解器,可以对完全非结构化的网格做出无比精确的分析,并为用户提供帮助。全球具有创新力的公司纷纷将 OptiStruct 广泛用于设计和优化层压复合材料。该工具能提供良好的层形状、理想的层数以及合理的铺层顺序,同时遵守制造要求。


Tailored Solutions

Tailored Solutions

定制软件:量身打造的自动化仿真工作流程可以对各种设计要求和应用场景作出具体评估,从而帮助造船公司更好更快地完成更为稳健的工程设计过程。Altair 的产品工程服务团队与多家超级造船厂和船级社合作并积累丰富经验。其间,Altair 帮助客户开发集成了商用和专用工具的打包式解决方案,用于持续评估和优化认证流程。

实现造船自动化:Altair Crane CAE Manager 是一种全新的过程解决方案,能够评估和改善造船中的分段装配方法(预先构建上部结构的横截面,然后将其送到造船坞,吊到相应位置并加以固定)。它通过一系列宏协助工程师按照船坞顺序分段装配船舶。参数化系统级模型使用 OptiStructAltair MotionSolve™ 生成结果,而HyperStudy 则可以优化系统性能。



A Simulation Driven Approach for Evaluating & Improving the Block Lifting Method of Ship Building

This session will introduce you to the Crane CAE Manager from Altair, which is a radically different solution that provides unique advantages for Block Lifting Method consisting of 1. Build - Specific Block Systems 2. Analyse - The planned lifting operations using simulation methods 3. Evaluate - Safety aspects of the planned lifting operation 4. Improve - The system behavior


Improving Rudder Shock Loading Following a Nearby Blast Event Using Radioss

Engineers in the Marine, Shipbuilding, and Offshore industries face many design challenges including physical space constraints, extreme weather conditions, deep water and remote locations. These constraints create an extreme environment for the engineer to develop a sound, reliable and safe operating platform.

Customer Stories

Creating a Structurally Efficient Design for the Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier

When making key decisions at the concept and preliminary design phases of a naval ship project, the designer is often obliged to work with limited data on the major structural design drivers for the vessel. This can lead to a largely subjective design approach which can result in inefficiency and even structural problems being locked-in from the start. To solve any issues, increased material use, weight and unnecessary complexity, as well as high design and manufacture costs can be introduced to the end product. To evaluate the potential of simulation-driven design under the unique requirements of naval ship design, the ACA partnered with Altair ProductDesign.

Customer Stories

Taking on the Shell XPRIZE with Help from a Digital Twin

Chris Wilkinson, CTO at SMD speaks at the UK Altair Technology Conference 2019. An XPRIZE challenge is designed to source new approaches to solve difficult problems thereby disrupting existing markets or creating new ones. Our oceans cover over 70% of the planet with only 5% explored. The ocean environment is hostile and technically challenging to operate within. The Ocean Discovery XPRIZE competition was established to seek cheaper and faster solutions to survey the world’s oceans. This presentation is about one of the teams that entered the competition with a disruptive solution for ocean survey. The emerging role and importance of a digital twin is explored to support the solution as it scales from proof of concept to one that is fully industrialised.

Conference Presentations