Consumer Goods

Consumer Goods

促使消费者对产品忠诚的因素是什么?这类因素有许多,包括感官感知、产品质量和耐用性,而现在,产品的可持续性及其对环境的影响成为了非常重要的因素。消费者会根据相同的因素判断所有产品,无论是洗碗机、运动鞋还是手机都是如此。Altair 拥有广泛的求解器产品组合,能够在设计的每个环节提供帮助。



了解 Altair 技术如何帮助 Mabe 将洗衣机容量提高 35%,同时将产品开发时间缩短 25%。




各种消费品都必须符合与正常使用、掉落和使用不当相关的结构和操作要求,同时还需要在重量和成本之间达到平衡。Altair 解决方案支持在集成的多物理场环境中对结构、热和流体特性,以及振动、电磁和制造约束执行仿真。



要针对各种联网的可穿戴设备设计和集成传感器及天线,就必须执行仿真。天线设计和布局工具能够确保信号可靠且兼容,而部署物联网 (IoT) 软件则能收集设备传感器收集的数据,并将其传输给制造商,以进行远程维护和获取产品寿命改善信息。







消费品的关键在于用户体验。从产品包装和货架外观给消费者留下的初次印象,到用户互动和用户界面,Altair 都能为您提供所需的帮助。工业设计人员可使用 Altair® Inspire™ Studio 更快地开发产品,加快初始草图绘制、样板方案研究以及真实效果图的制作。凭借有机曲面建模、参数控制以及独特的结构树历史进程功能,设计师能够专注于构思,而不是纠结于采用哪种设计技术。

Altair 的工业设计服务能够从用户研究、品牌推广到设计和原型制作为客户提供全方位服务。

借助 HPC 推动产品创新

消费品行业发展迅速,竞争激烈,设计日趋复杂,而生产周期却越来越短。公司必须快速实现产品创新并开发新产品,以吸引并留住新客户。要想跟上时代的创新步伐,制造商需要更快地了解他们极其复杂的仿真和优化工作。Altair 的高性能计算和云工具让用户能够利用本地或云计算资源轻松设置、提交和监控大量仿真和优化工作。


体育用品制造商通常走在使用先进材料实现超强性能的前沿。网球拍、曲棍球棒和竞赛自行车等产品的设计师可以通过仿真、自动化和优化缩短设计周期并提高产品价值。Altair 能够帮助他们对先进复合材料的行为建模,并准确地将仿真数据映射到测试结果来验证设计。

Altair 拥有 30 多年的碰撞和安全生物力学经验,能够针对复杂的人与产品交互进行建模,为体育用品制造商提供支持。我们k基于具体的拟人化结构和功能强大的非线性结构分析技术,帮助企业将生物学与技术相融合,向有需要的消费者提供创新产品,如防脑震荡橄榄球头盔。



要取得显著的经济收益,改进消费品的加工和包装也是一种行之有效的方法。Altair 在这一方面拥有丰富的经验和专业知识,能够通过仿真和调整制造流程提高性能及降低成本,同时优化产品包装,针对运输和使用不当情况提供保护。

Altair 的流程制造解决方案可以对经过流程段和处理设备的颗粒(如粉末和片)进行详细的分析和可视化。这种仿真信息有助于降低制造风险,缩短产品开发周期。


Sound and Simulation: Designing a Smart Speaker

Speaker design and analysis, especially for a more complex product, system, or component, often requires building multiple simulation models. The loudspeaker development process involves multi-physics and multiple sources in parallel, to multiple simulation runs for prototyping, testing, and validation. This results in separate models for nonlinear analysis of strength, thermal analysis and stiffness, noise, vibration, and acoustics. Even though each model isn’t always built from scratch, typically the use of different solvers for each attribute will require that models need to be converted from one solver format to another. This practice is not only time consuming but frequently error prone resulting in an inefficient use of engineering time.

Technical Document

HyperWorks优化技术融入包装设计 流程,帮助联合利华削减成本、加速研发

利用Altair HyperWorks 计算机辅助工程工具,联合利华降低仿真时间,显著削减成本。

Customer Stories

Virtual Design and Testing of a Medical Autoinjector, Project Overview

Sweden-based Nolato, a global provider of injection molded parts for numerous industrial and medical applications has developed Nolava as a collaborative project with companies including Altair and Avalon Innovation. Nolava is Nolato’s medical self-injector, a complex electro-mechanical device housed in an injection molded fiber-reinforced plastic body. Within this presentation different aspects of the product design cycle are considered, including co-simulations of the device operation during the actual injection process, misuse in case of forceful bending or opening of the loading tray, and drop tests of the autoinjector. Based on Altair’s optimization technology, alternatives for the rib structure of the casing are investigated. To assure manufacturability, molding and assembly simulations are performed to identify and mitigate problems likely to occur throughout the process.

Customer Stories

How Whirlpool Evaluates and Validates Concepts in Minutes with Altair SimSolid

In this webinar, Alexandre Luis Marangoni, Senior CAE Engineer at Whirlpool Corporation discusses how they validated SimSolid against FEA solver results, then implemented the tool into their concept design processes. SimSolid is used at Whirlpool to quickly evaluate concept feasibility, answer critical design questions, and deliver designs to project teams faster than ever before. Altair will demonstrate additional powerful functionality of SimSolid, preview the upcoming SimSolid 2020 release, and introduce an exciting new integration with Altair Inspire. Inspire's award winning user experience for geometry creation and modification can be learned in just a few hours, and now delivers SimSolid's speed and accuracy for structural analysis. For users without access to CAD software, Inspire and SimSolid combine to enable interactive geometry modification while analyzing large assemblies and complex parts, all within one common user interface.
