




了解 Amazon 的 Annapurna Labs 如何使用 Altair 的许可证优先调度方案从而增强资源管理。




无需排队等候或抢占许可证资源。当本地计算负载量达到峰值,您可以转移到您青睐的云供应商(或多个云供应商),从而轻松应对不断变化的工作负载。对于终端用户而言,可以通过先进的远程可视化和直观的作业提交门户随时随地使用 HPC 和云资源。

交钥匙 HPC 和云端一体机

开箱即用 HPC 和云端一体机

工程师、研究人员和设计师正在转向 HPC,以期更快、更准确地解决问题。Altair 拥有功能强大的 HPC,开机即用的物理或虚拟云端一体机,让您的团队一开始就能利用 HPC 的强大功能。

使用 Altair One™ 作进一步探索

使用 Altair One™ 作进一步探索

Altair One 让您能够轻松访问设备上的任何创新工具,可随时随地运行作业、实现数据可视化、使用 HPC 加快工程设计–这一切都能在一个平台上完成。用户将获得协作体验,而管理员则能够通过一张视图就了解整个计算基础架构,从而保持业务向前发展。



通过将复杂的自动化与云支出管理相结合,提高效率、降低云成本并缩短实现结果的时间。Altair® NavOps® 帮助企业将计算密集型 HPC 工作负载迁移到云,并提供对云资源的实时洞察和完整可见性。



解锁混合云的优势:计算灵活,可进行调整以满足应用需求,实现快速原型设计和敏捷部署,可针对问题工作负载进行沙盒测试,具有托管服务,可让用户有时间进行创新。Altair Mistral™ 平台可让用户主动计划,而不是被动响应。

支持云的 I/O 分析

支持云的 I/O 分析

Altair Breeze 可让您的工程师成为 I/O 专业人士,让他们快速解决软件部署问题,解决文件和网络依赖。识别 I/O 的好坏意味着可以轻松致胜,包括修复问题、了解存储需求和优化您的云迁移策略。

对尝试 Altair 虚拟 CAE 云计算设备感兴趣?



借助集成到 Altair® PBS Professional® 调度程序的直观爆发 GUI,Altair 能使您在云高峰处理时,比以往更轻松地转移到您信任的供应商或在他们之间转移。因此,您可以根据实时需求进行扩展,只需要按需付费即可,然后缩短产品上市时间。可以转移到移到移到不同的云平台,包括 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure、Google Cloud Platform、Microsoft Azure 和 Amazon Web Services (AWS)。可以自定义安全策略、基于角色的访问权限,以及成本标准等要素。

对于终端用户,Altair® Access™ 提供了一种方便易用、功能强大且一致的界面,用户可以借此远程查看、提交和监控远程集群、云和其他资源中的 HPC 作业。借助 Access,您的团队能够在家中及任何地方通过台式机、web 或移动设备使用 HPC。


Altair Rapid Scaling 可在云环境中提供高吞吐量、注重成本的调度,现已在 Amazon 的 AWS 应用市场推出。即使是非常苛刻的半导体和 EDA 工作负载,Altair Rapid Scaling 也足够强大,提供亚毫秒级的延迟以获得良好性能,以及每天能够调度数百万个作业的可扩展性、占用空间小的高容量架构。

Rapid Scaling 专为优化您的云工作负载而设计,考虑速度和许可证可用性,以便在不需要时将云资源缩减为零,从而使云成本比以往任何时候都更接近准确的需求。

访问 AWS 应用市场


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Technical Document

2021 HPC Summit, Oracle Breakout Session - The Most Powerful HPC Platform in the Cloud

This presentation discusses how and why business are moving to Oracle Cloud and what benefits they're realizing in areas including biomedical research, automotive simulation, and weather forecasting. The presentation, by HPC cloud architect Dr. Kevin Jorissen from Oracle, was recorded at the 2021 Altair HPC Summit, and is about 30 minutes long. View all HPC Summit 2021 Presentations

HPC Summit 2021

Optimizing Process Design at Renault - Faster and Easier Rim Optimization using Altair Inspire and HPC

As the traditional optimization process at Renault required many iterations, simulation engineer involvement, and a considerable amount of time, the company was looking for tools and methods to improve this process. They wanted to implement a new, easy-to-use simulation tool that would allow non-experts, part-time analysts, and designers to gain insight and accurate results in early design phases of Renault chassis projects. With the goal to enable designers to run simulation by themselves without being dependent on the engineer’s calculations, the team began using Altair Inspire. The implementation on the Altair HPC platform enabled the engineers to send their highly complex calculations to the HPC server while running calculations on their workstation. The results included time savings, an 80% increase in process automation and mass reduction up to 20%.

Customer Stories

How Key Technologies are Converging for a Smarter, More Connected World

The future of smart, connected product development is where data analytics, simulation, and high-performance computing converge to a unified discipline, sometimes referred to as Computational Science and Engineering. How far away is the future? When will broad adoption start? What does it mean for you? To answer these questions, CIMdata collaborated with Altair to survey business leaders, technologists, researchers, and the global development community for insights into our future smarter, more connected world.
