

百亿亿次计算,下一个划时代技术。它是一种每秒可执行千万亿次计算的计算系统。Altair 专注于研究新一代高性能计算 (HPC) 技术,在该领域处于前沿位置。随着百亿亿次时代的到来,我们一直在努力开发专门的开拓性工具,这些工具可扩展,可在新一代系统上运行,并且符合机器学习、深度学习和多物理场领域中日益复杂的 HPC 要求。




HPC 的性能取决于执行计算的软件

HPC 的性能取决于执行计算的软件

强大的计算硬件需要搭配强大的软件工具,就百亿亿次计算技术而言,高效管理工作负载比以往任何时候都更重要。Altair® PBS Professional® 通过自动化作业调度、管理、监控和报告进行全面协调。

Argonne 的 Aurora 超级计算机创造历史

Argonne 的 Aurora 超级计算机创造历史

通过 PBS Professional 管理工作负载的“Aurora”百亿亿计算机预计于 2022 年交付给阿贡国家实验室 (Argonne National Laboratory)。它将是美国速度超快的计算系统,每秒可实现百亿亿次计算。

获取 Altair PBS Professional 的 60 天免费试用版。



我们已与阿贡国家实验室建立合作,为 HPE 设计的 Aurora 系统提供百亿亿次计算研究支持。而这仅仅只是开始。随着百亿亿次时代的到来,我们一直在努力开发专门的开拓性工具,这些工具可扩展,可在新一代系统上运行,并且符合机器学习、深度学习和多物理场领域中日益复杂的 HPC 要求。超级计算机对未来非常重要,作为美国能源部 (Department of Energy) 百亿亿次计算项目 (ECP) 工业委员会的成员,我们将帮助美国打造百亿亿次计算生态系统。我们很荣幸能够达成此次合作,同时还将对精密医学、增材制造、生物燃料等领域的流程执行更加真实的仿真。




  • Altair® Accelerator™ Plus for 6-10x greater throughput
  • PMIx,快速启动大量 MPI 作业
  • 高可用的PBS Professional 服务器
  • Green Provisioning™
  • 混合云爆发技术、ARM64、GPU 和 SSD
  • 具有种许可模式、带广泛插件框架的 PBS Professional
  • Altair® Control™ for monitoring, analytics, and simulation
  • 注重安全性


Altair® PBS Professional® 可以运行大量计算负载,每个集群可包含 50,000 个节点,每个队列可容纳 10,000,000 个作业,还支持 1,000 个并发活动用户。它的运行速度很快,端到端吞吐量是每小时 10,000,000 个作业,而对于一个 4,000+ 节点的作业,其端到端运行时间是 10 秒。全球一些大型计算系统都使用 PBS Professional,以进行高效作业负载管理,其中包括在实现百亿亿次计算方面处于地位的系统。无论是制造业还是个性化医疗,百亿亿次计算将会对各个行业产生广泛影响,使用户能够创新潮流。



On and Off the Track, Every Second Counts: the Critical Role of HPC Optimization

The Aston Martin Cognizant F1 Team discusses the role of Altair Grid Engine, primarily within the CFD department and other areas of the team which have seen its benefits and have integrated it into their workflows. Its proven contribution to overall performance and Aston Martin’s position on the Formula 1 grid is demonstrated. The presentation by Laurence Sawbridge-Praties aired at the 2021 Altair HPC Summit in May 2021, and is over 13 minutes long. View all HPC Summit 2021 Presentations

HPC Summit 2021

Outstanding Scalability at NIAR - Advanced crash analysis solution proves twice as fast as leading competitor

To support its goal of accelerating the development cycle, early in 2020 NIAR commissioned a study to assess the scalability of Altair Radioss™, Altair’s structural analysis solver for highly non-linear problems under dynamic loadings. Regular support from an Altair engineer ensured swift familiarization with Radioss. The study was performed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). OCI with its bare metal HPC shapes that use low latency RDMA interconnect provided highly scalable infrastructure-as-a-service (IAAS) for Radioss.

Customer Stories

The US Exascale Project Software Stack: Why It Matters to You

Sandia National Laboratories' Michael Heroux, director of software technology for the Exascale Computing Project (ECP), discusses the DOE's roadmap to exascale and the focus area of ECP software technology.

HPC Summit 2020

HPC Summit - Altair Keynote

Altair Founder, Chairman, and CEO James Scapa addresses how HPC has evolved over the past 30+ years, and how Altair has been putting the pieces in place to drive the future of multi-dimensional HPC. The presentation outlines Altair’s vision for the convergence of HPC, artificial intelligence, and simulation. The keynote was presented at the 2021 Altair HPC Summit, and is over 17 minutes long. View all HPC Summit 2021 Presentations

HPC Summit 2021