通过虚拟试驾仿真真实世界的性能,解决自动驾驶汽车 (AV) 和驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) 的设计挑战。

自动驾驶汽车与 ADAS

自动驾驶汽车 (AV) 和驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) 更加复杂,需要执行更多测试。要在产品开发期限内分析完所有必要场景,需要使用仿真和高性能计算 (HPC) 技术。借助 Altair 技术,客户能够提供——可提高当今汽车及卡车安全性,并在道路上实现无人驾驶的解决方案。

Altair 仿真技术对于车辆与车辆 (V2V)、车辆对基础设施 (V2I)、车辆与万物 (V2X)、AV 和 ADAS 的开发至关重要。在所有三种场景下,天线对于建立顺畅、可靠的通信非常重要。从天线设计到天线布局,再到无线通信,Altair 能够提供全面的天线工程解决方案。虽然可以在天线测试室对部分性能指标进行测试,但这种做法成本高昂,并且实验室测试也不能代表真实的环境。鉴于此,越来越多的开发团队选择 Altair 的产品解决方案,在虚拟城市场景下对设备的信号强度和数据吞吐量进行仿真。

ADAS 传感器和天线


快速探索更多 ADAS 传感器和天线配置,同时考虑汽车、建筑物和街道,并准确呈现电波反射、衍射和散射。


雷达、超声波和 LiDAR 设计与集成

由于汽车雷达工作频率的提高,车载雷达天线的设计和集成面临更大的挑战,因此越来越多地采用电磁 (EM)仿真技术,以缩短原本漫长且昂贵的雷达系统原型设计周期。由于在车载雷达的工作频段,车辆的电尺寸比较大,因此电磁(EM)仿真对计算机资源的要求会比较高。

Altair® Feko® 可以高效、精确地对车载雷达天线设计及集成(包括天线罩和保险杠的效应)进行仿真。Feko 还提供超声波传感器解决方案,Altair 合作伙伴联盟 (APA) 提供 TracePro 的使用权限,以进行 LiDAR 建模。


用于 PCB 设计的集成软件

Altair® PollEx™ 是面向电气、电子和制造工程师的全面且集成度高的 PCB 设计查看、分析和验证工具。PollEx 能够在业界广受欢迎的 ECAD 工具和仿真工具之间顺畅地传输数据,帮助全球许多知名电子公司对 PCB 设计进行快速可视化和审查。它的检查工具可在设计初期发现问题,从而避免产品故障,以简化制造和组装。





大多数 AV 和 ADAS 开发测试都是在现有的本地或公有云 HPC 环境中进行。Altair Accelerator™ 是一种 HPC 技术,几乎主要的电子设计公司都在使用该技术,以便在运行数百万次的仿真时进行快速扩展、加速计算并优化资源和成本。Accelerator 是速度极快的高吞吐量调度程序,每小时可处理 1,000 万个作业。


The Next Generation 连接

5G 天线设计和布局Feko® 被广泛应用于设计广播和电视、无线网络、移动蜂窝系统、通信系统、无钥匙进入系统(RKE)、胎压监测系统(TPMS)、卫星定位系统、雷达系统、射频识别(RFID)和其他天线。

5G 无线信道模型 Feko 对电波传播模型进行了扩展,考虑了 5G的高频段和具体特性,除考虑大气吸收特性外,还包括了材料的透波和反射等电气特性的定义。

在纽约市开展的73 GHz宽带电波传播测量,已经证明Altair的射线追踪电波传播模型能够正确预测传播特性。

5G 无线网络:城市地区需要使用超密度网络,以满足大数据量需求。Feko 射线追踪解决方案能够同时分析大量基站,包括新设计,例如,基站上的大规模多输入多输出 (MIMO) 天线阵列。它还能在城市环境中,虚拟测试垂直离开角均方根角度扩展(ESD),来评估网络性能。



From Radar Waves to Road Safety

From the moment radar was first invented, it has proved its value in collision avoidance - first at sea, then in the air and later on the road. This white paper gives an overview of the development that has taken place.

Technical Document

The Use of MBD Modelling Techniques in the Design and Development of a Suspension System

This paper describes the use of Multi-body Dynamics (MBD) modelling techniques in the design and development of a suspension system for a novel autonomous vehicle. The general approach and philosophy is described, whereby MBD techniques are used in conjunction with an independent (parametric) whole vehicle handling simulation. This is supplemented with examples, showing how MotionSolve was used (in tandem with CarSim) to develop the suspension elasto-kinematic geometric properties to meet specific cascaded targets, to optimise a weighing strategy, to predict forces under a variety of quasi-static and dynamic loads, and to estimate response to track inputs.

Technical Papers

EM Simulation for Wireless Systems and Antenna Integration on Motor Vehicles

Presentation by Dr. Ahmadreza Jafari, Radio Reception and Antenna Expert, & Phillippe Boutier, Référent RadioFréquence at Renault.

In this presentation, different examples of Renault RF simulations regarding antenna applications such as keyless entry and ignition, AM/FM/DAB radio, radar and V2X are explored. Simulations for keyless entry and ignition are performed using Altair Feko at 125 kHz and 433 MHz. The aim is to define antenna placements to achieve the required hand-free detection zone and remote-control range. Concerning AM/FM/DAB radio, rear-screen and foil antenna radiation patterns are simulated to optimize fine tuning validations. For the radar antenna, impact of the environment around the antenna is explored by simulation.

This presentation also deals with a simple and complete simulation approach for V2X, in which WinProp propagation scenarios are combined with various antenna solutions.

Conference Presentations

Virtual Drive Tests for ADAS Radar Sensors and Communication Antennas

This webinar shows how Altair WinProp considers the full environment including buildings, cars, street objects in order to get accurate representations of the radio waves impinging on the installed car antennas and the multipath radar channels including reflections, diffractions and scattered contributions. For the efficient analysis the car objects can be also replaced by their corresponding radar cross sections (pre-calculated in Altair Feko). Thus allowing the realistic and fully reproducible evaluations of different options for the antennas and sensors including their integration and configuration.
